South America

Driving Simulators for Users in South America
York Computer Technologies is organized to provide driving simulators and service to customers in South America. Because our driving simulator is strictly a software product, we are able to distribute the product easily from our servers. The driving simulator software is downloaded through an easily installable application and installed on the local computer. Remote updates of the York Driving Simulator Software is facilitated similarly. Technical support is done for our remote clients by email, video chat or by phone. The York Driving Simulator logs everything the user does and we use these log files to debug errors or determine the source of a technical bug in the York Driving Simulator software or the users' experiment file, if necessary. Furthermore, the York Driving Simulator Software can be used easily to replicate the signage and road infrastructure of non-Canadian cities (where we are based). As such, local environments can be easily created for our customers in South America.